Juvenile Detention Center in Ciudad Juarez
Last Saturday, January 14th, I went to the juvenile detention center (CERSAI) # 3, in Ciudad Juárez to deliver donated Care Packages. It is part of our Mobilize Mexico Volunteers project to help meet the needs of teens in the juvenile justice system who are detained.

Preparing the Care Packages
This was my experience bringing the Care Packages to detained juveniles in the Ciudad de Juarez CERSAI:
The truth is that it was very gratifying to be able to do something for these forgotten children and their families. ALl of us can wake up and go to our own bathroom or be in our bedrooms and have basic items for our personal care. We may not even think anything of it or how essential of these basic things is in our daily life. For these teens in detention it is not just the dignity that these articles offer, but the certainty that someone can provide them. It is true these teens have failed and violated rules or broken the law, but what is the reason, why they are in detention, what opportunities they were not offered? And if they are now being “reeducated” and receiving treatment, should they not receive a humane and dignified treatment that inspires them to become better?
Fortunately there are people, professionals, churches, companies that are joining this cause of being agents of change, believing in second chances and pushing these “misguided” teenagers and really support them, so we were able to carry these donations that their parents or families can not provide because of lack of money, distance and absence itself. It could also generate a little gratitude in them and let them know that they can be reconciled with society, which in a moment has also affected them, labeled them or judged them.

Delivering the Care Packages
I remember smiles sketched on the faces of these young people and all those who made possible the donation of these Care Packages, extended to you the gratitude we received.
– Olivia Meneses Garrido