[:en]The Annie. E Casey Foundation sent a team of U.S. juvenile justice experts, part of their “Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative”, to visit our project in Chihuahua, Mexico. Here are some image of our meetings with the local judges, prosecutors, public defenders, probation, and community-based organizations.

JDAI Presentation to Chihuahua government and local stakeholders

Doug presents a summary of Chihuahua use of detention data.

Doug presents basic statistics on juvenile detention in Chihuahua.

Local stakeholders share their challenges.

Local juvenile court judges share their perspectives on situation in Chihuahua.

Community leaders share their perspective with chief juvenile court Justice Guzman.

JDAI Team and local stakeholders.

Russ Payne, JJI summer intern, Albuquerque Judge Romero. Roxana Matiella from the Children’s Center for Law and Policy, and La Plazita director Albino Garcia.

Local friends meeting up with Doug, Bill Mondale, Albino Garcia, Roxana Matiella, and Russ Payne.