We believe in the dignity of all children, regardless of whether they have come in conflict with the law.

We believe that children’s human rights (e.g., U.N. Convention) must be respected and enforced to ensure their successful maturation.

We are inclusive of all youth in our programing regardless of criminal accusations or past conduct.

We reject and oppose the discriminatory and inequitable treatment of children based upon their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender identity or sexual orientation.

we work with and support local leadership, including within JJAI and with governmental and non-overnmental stakeholders, in seeking to minimize the unnecessary and/or inappropriate deprivation of children’s liberty.

We promote evidence-based and best practices that have demonstrated success in minimizing incarceration and providing positive youth development opportunities.

We believe that reforming the youth justice system requires the voice, input and leadership of directly impacted communities, including youth and families.

We utilize and rely on both quantitative and qualitative data to identify problems in youth justice systems and to formulate solutions to those problems.

We work collaboratively within our organization and the communities and justice systems where we are active to maximize engagement, expand ideas and ensure support for reforms.

We seek comprehensive systemic reform, recognizing that there must be alignment between the youth justice system’s values, policies, practices and programs in order to reduce incarceration, protect children’s rights and promote positive youth development.

We promote evidence-based and best practices that have demonstrated success in minimizing incarceration and providing positive youth development opportunities.

We believe that reforming the youth justice system requires the voice, input and leadership of directly impacted communities, including youth and families.

We utilize and rely on both quantitative and qualitative data to identify problems in youth justice systems and to formulate solutions to those problems.

We work collaboratively within our organization and the communities and justice systems where we are active to maximize engagement, expand ideas and ensure support for reforms.

We seek comprehensive systemic reform, recognizing that there must be alignment between the youth justice system’s values, policies, practices and programs in order to reduce incarceration, protect children’s rights and promote positive youth development.

We believe that models that are proven effective in similar cultural, historical and linguistic contexts are more easily transferred and sustained in different jurisdictions than models that are imported or imposed from dissimilar jurisdictions.